Saturday, October 5, 2013

Wait. Hold up. What Do You Mean Bubble Tea Can Give Me Cancer?!?!

As many of you probably already know, bubble tea is a delightful drink that can turn a wretched, miserable day into a sweet moment of chewy bliss. Unfortunately, I stumbled upon this article in last year's Daily News about these German scientists who found traces of PCB's in the tapioca bubbles of an unnamed popular brand of bubble tea. 

Okay, just calm down. 
So PCB's (Polychlorinated biphenyls) are man-made chemical carcinogens which means they can cause cancer. The thing is there is this one study by German scientists who are ruining my favorite obsession. The Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA) investigated 66 other food products this year; 11 of the products that confirmed to contain PCB's were tapioca balls aka bubble tea bubbles. So right now, this is serious. This is a critical issue because somebody needs to get some peer-reviewed studies published. I mean, how am I supposed to know whether to support my bubble tea addiction or cut myself off cold turkey? Come on people... I need to see some more test results, pronto.